Semester 8 - Core Courses

Free by Divine Decree takes you inside the courtroom to witness how the case for your freedom was argued and decided. The final verdict from the Supreme Judge is that “in Christ” you are righteous: not by achieving but by believing. The truth in this series will set you free - free indeed. No further appeal! Your freedom is not a feeling, it is a fact.

Marriage is the strongest personal and spiritual commitment that two people can make together. Premarital Counseling is designed to give church leaders and mentors the tools they need to counsel and disciple couple through healthy dating or courting practices, and in preparation for marriage. This course provides information useful in closed counseling sessions, as well as from the pulpit.

In The Pastoral Epistles, Rev. Abram Gomez walks through the letters that the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy and Titus as a mentor, pastor, and spiritual father. This course starts in First Timothy where Paul warns against false teachers and prophets and wraps up in Titus where Paul displays that pastoral heart of Christ in seeking after a healthy and sound Church.